XP Cloud:Feb 18, 2021 - X-Payments Cloud and XP connector updates have been released

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  2. Get Started with X-Payments Cloud
  3. Two-factor User Authentication
  4. General Settings
  5. Payment Configurations
  6. Services
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  8. User Interface
  9. Payments
  10. Supported Payment Gateways
  11. What's New in X-Payments Cloud

X-Payments Cloud and X-Payments Cloud Connector for X-Cart 5.4 have been updated. The update includes various fixes and improvements for subscriptions, an alternative method for connecting the online store to X-Payments (for cases in which automated connection is not possible due to overly strict security settings in the browser), a possibility to hide the first six digits of a credit card number (in all the places where it may be visible). We've also completed some code refactoring, fixed some fatal errors and implemented some esthetic changes.

X-Payments Cloud changelog

Payment gateways integrations:

  • Renewed lists of countries that are allowed for payment gateways.
  • Added basket info to the Opayo/SagePay module
  • Updated "Apply for account" link in the Opayo/SagePay module
  • Added MYR currency for PayPal

Apple Pay:

  • Improved logging
  • Removed unused files
  • Improved error handling for php errors during Apple Pay process


  • Added restriction that doesn't allow to remove card used for subscriptions
  • Added mark, indicating that card is used for subscription

Connection to the store:

  • Added ability to connect store in manual mode, in case it's not possible to connect it automatically
  • Reworked "API Keys" page. Now it shows only the Connection Key, i.e. bundle containing all the keys


  • Removed foreign key from customer_cards table

X-Payments Cloud Connector changelog

User interface:

  • Added ability to hide first six digits and expiration date from card numbers, that are displayed in the user interface.
  • Added ability to connect store in manual mode, in case it's not possible to connect it automatically. Now the store could be connected via the Connection Key.


  • Refactored usage of SDK JS scripts.
  • Refactored Totals update during Checkout with Apple Pay.


  • Now it's possible to buy a subscription product for an anonymous user.
  • Added a restriction to restart stopped legacy subscriptions.
  • Added a setting that displays subscription plan tab on a product page.
  • Added info indicating that the card used in subscriptions.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed PHP fatal error when Not Finished order status is changed.
  • Fixed usage of undefined class constant from SDK.
  • Fixed PHP fatal error "Access level to doActionSaveSubscriptionPlan must be public".